Thursday, December 5, 2019

Application of Health and Nursing Informatics-Samples for Students

Question: Critique the application of health and nursing informatics and quality improvement in health care settings. Answer: Introduction Technology has evolved over the years and it is changing way the health care as well as its delivery is managed. The health information technology has bridged the gap between the patients and the medical practitioners in the world. It is because technology helps to connect the patients with the doctors globally as well as provide them evidenced based, quality, affordable treatment, and medical therapies (Wu et al. 2017). The technology has been applied to develop systems such as the EPAS where the patients medical history is stored, and the doctors can access them while administering services to them. The electronic health records that are used in the Australian health care system have brought a lot of efficiency in the health care system as the patient get the right treatment (Nagle et al. 2014, p.356). The online social media systems such as the cystic fibrosis site in face book have also played a great role in Australian health care system. In this work, we will explore these syst ems and their impact on health care. Person Centered Care Principles A study claim that for improving the quality provision in medical services, the health professionals should apply the person centered care approach. This approach enables treatment of patients are treated in a meaningful and approachable manner. It involves the art of listening, actively involving patient in their care as well as giving them proper and timely health related information (Brownie 2013, p.183). The patient center care has various principles that the health care practitioners should follow. One of them is that the health professionals have to respect the values of their patients, preferences as well as what they need. To conform to this principle, health professional has to respect patients preference and engage them in the decision making process. They also need to treat them with respect as well as accommodate their cultural values in care (Pulvirenti, McMillan Lawn 2014). Another principle is on coordinating and integrating care. At times, the patient feels helpless as well as exposed when ill. It calls for appropriate coordinating of care, which may reduce these feelings. The third principle is to the patients being appropriately informed about their progress as well as prognosis (Amir et al. 2015, April, pp. 1419-1428). To achieve the person center care, the patients should be made physically comfortable. The patients physical comfort involves the pain management as well as maintaining the surrounding hospital environment around the patient. The other principle is on emotionally supporting the patient to reduce their fear as well as anxiety. One should also involve the patients friends as well as family members in the care process (Chaudhury2013, p- 491). After discharging the patient, the health care staff also provide the patients with relevant information. For instance, information on their health condition such as the dietary need enhancing the person center care. The final principle is helping the patients to know when they can access care as well as when it is required (Amir et al. 2015, April, pp. 1419-1428). Nursing Informatics Nursing informatics involves managing as well as processing the nursing information to give facilitate proper delivery of health care. The nursing informatics includes the electronic health records, the EPS as well as the nursing researches (McGonigle Mastrian 2014). Nursing informatics has various purpose. In the clinical practice, it provides the staff with work lists, which act as a reminder to the nursing interventions. In the clinical practice, electronic health records are also used to coordinate care. The technology is also used in the nursing administration for scheduling of staff and quality guarantee. The technology has also been employed in the nursing education whereby the health practitioner can access distance-learning programs. It also helps in providing computerized instruction for assistance as well as record keeping. The advanced technology has also been used in nursing research such as the SPSS. (Turner 2017, p. 282) The purpose of nursing informatics The nursing informatics has various roles in the provision of health care to the patients. One of the goals of the nursing informatics is in developing theories whereby it is a primary contributor to the scientific information. It is also vital in analyzing the information that is required for the practitioners to accomplish their tasks such as research, patient care as well as administration. It also evaluates the computer systems as well as examine its effectiveness in specific organization context (Nagle et al. 2014, pp. 356-363). EPAS One of the systems that has been developed in nursing informatics is the EPAS. The EPAS is used in the context of health care services whereby the medical practitioner looks at the past patient health record before administering any treatment. One of the main features of the EPAS is the ability to store the patient record from the first day of medical care. As such the physician on administering drugs will be able to know the drugs to give the patient and if the patient has any allergic reaction to the drug/. It enhances the person center care approach as the patient past information is widely involved in the process. Another feature of the EPAS document is that they are secure. The records are reliable, and only the medical practitioners have access to them only while administering treatment (Ross 2015, p.223). Impact of EPAS and Other Electronic Health Records to Nursing Practice and the Quality of Person Centered Care One of the effects of the EPAS to the Australian health care is it makes it easy for the practitioners to know about the patient. It enhances the safety as well as the result of the treatment as the patient moves from one health facility to another. It also improves the person center care as when the medical practitioner examines the past health records he will be able to know how he will handle the patient. It will also improve the nursing practice by reducing the paper issues. The paper issues include the poor hand writing which will inhibit the nurse understanding of the past patient medical issues. Therefore, by having the electronic records, it will be easy for the nurse to give the patient premium care. (Chang 2013, p.801) Electronic health records The electronic health records have also enhanced the nursing practice by improving documentation, making decisions, force functions as well as prompting. The use of the electronic health records makes it easy to standardize the initial assessment with the system. In the past years, it is hard to standardize them across the system. It also helps in capturing the psychological information, which is of great importance in individual cases (Simpson 2015, p. 68) The electronic health records are also vital in enhancing the nursing practices when dealing with issues such as the accidents. During such incidents, the patient may be unconscious, and it becomes easy to deal with the patient by looking at their past health records. Using the electronic health records, you will know the practical step needed by looking at the previous patient's records. (Hillblom 2014, p.1093). The electronic health records have also enhanced the nurses care management process by the use of the workload capture. The workload manager is very vital to the managers of a health facility as it helps them manage the team to know the number of patients that taken care of in the health center. It also assists in knowing the acuity of the patients who are under care. The workload capture also gives the information on the number of nurses in each case with the time and place where it is happening. The electronic device hence makes it easier to monitor the nurses activity improving the nursing practice as everyone is up to the task (King et al. 2014, pp.392-404). The electronic records have a great on the nursing practice they have improved it and making it more efficient by releasing the nursing outcomes in a database. As such, one can know the patients falls, pressure among others. They do these by using web-based reports. The technology has a great impact on the nursing practice by giving out information on various researches aimed at improving the nursing practice. For instance, in developing the inpatient nursing focused applications, the technology is fundamental (Frazier 2017, p.10). Purpose of Cystic Fibrosis Facebook Page The cystic fibrosis is a social online support system that educates patients in various things hence improving health care. The primary goal of the support program is the delivery of services that educate, informs as well as giving a backing to a wide range of people. In the platform, one can also ask questions which are immediately answered by various experts. The face book page also gives information on the dietary needs of the person with cystic fibrosis.(Viberg 2015, p.15). Features of the cystic fibrosis Facebook page. One of the features is that the page is an open social page where one posts his questions or feeling and others react to it. In these, one is able to get the other persons view as well as encouragement. Another feature of the cystic fibrosis Facebook page is that it is educative. The page gives information on various informations, such as the diet that a person suffering from the disease should take. The social media platform also helps one to get views from others who may have taken care of patients suffering from it, the patients, and health professionals on how they can deal with it. It also educates the citizens on what to do to reduce vulnerability to the cystic fibrosis. The practices include cleaning your hands using soap and water or using the hand gel. Another prevention practice is covering one's mouth as one cough or sneezes. One should also keep up to 6 feet distance to a person with a cold or the infection. By giving this information through the Facebook page, the founda tion has been able to move strides ahead in dealing with cystic fibrosis Impact of Cystic Fibrosis Facebook Page to Nursing Practice and Quality of Person Center Care The cystic fibrosis site on Facebook has had an enormous impact on the nursing practice as well as person center care as the patients get valuable information even after leaving the hospital. One of the principles of person-centered care is giving the patient relevant information on their health condition even after discharging them. It involves the information such as the dietary needs, which are available on the cystic fibrosis face book page enhancing the quality of person-centered care (Furukawa et al. 2014) The Facebook social page has also made the nursing practice as well as person centered care fast and efficient. It is because the nurse can address a broad range of patients suffering from this disease in one platform. The patients in these platforms can ask various questions on their illness and adequate answers (Sabadosa 2014, p.94). The Facebook pages have improved by the nursing practice as the different stake holders can interact with these social media platform outlining various issues in the health care sector. By doing this, they can come up with different proposes to improve the health care system. Various philanthropic donors get access to this face book page helping in improving the health care system. They do this by giving backing to the patients as well as the hospitals that deal with these patients (Sabadosa 2014, p.94). In the Facebook pages, besides the patient interaction with the medical practitioners, the nurses and physicians communicate with each other. They can share their experiences. By doing this, the practitioners get more knowledge on how to deal with their patients efficiently. Conclusion In conclusion, the use of technology in nursing has significantly improved the quality of health care as well as the nursing practice. Technology has been used in the provision of care, in the administration, lifelong learning among others activities in nursing practice. The technology that has been widely used involves the use of EPS, which stores the medical history of the patients, the electronic health records that help in monitoring the nurses among other activities. Another technological use in the health sector is coming up with face book page such as the cystic fibrosis page, diabetes page. In these pages, the patient is in the position to interact with the medical practitioners improving the person-centered care. The use of technology in the health care system has led to quality person center care as the nurses can meet the principles of nursing care efficiently. 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